I'm not sure if I'm following my dreams or are my dreams following me...
Corné’s art works smell, dance, sing, eat with its hands and if one learns to listen they say: “Remember? I belong to what you are, a lot further back in time than where memory will ever be able to reach”
In my dreams, walking, talking, at any moment the idea may come and I just have to be prepared to receive it.
Dreams transformed into art
Como trabajo 2
Sketching ideas
The next step is to sketch the idea, transform it into something graphic, that can be seen, analyzed and begin to feel as real.
It is the beginning, which gives it meaning.
Sketching ideas
Como trabajo 2
Sculpting the iron
The last step is to sculpt the iron with my own hands in the workshop, along with the sparks and the heat I feel possessed by every work I do.